Over the past two weeks, the DiUS team has been travelling around with YOW! Conference 2014. As a Gold sponsor of YOW! Melbourne and Sydney, we served upwards of 1400 caffeinated beverages to thirsty developers and techies over four days.
DiUS is a proud sponsor of the YOW! community and have been involved in a number of events this year, including YOW! West and YOW! Connected.
Beth Skurrie takes the stage
Beth Skurrie is a Senior Consultant at DiUS and spent two weeks travelling across the country with YOW! Conference to share her experiences working with microservices in at realestate.com.au. Beth, along with fellow speakers Jon Eaves (REA) and Evan Botcher (ThoughtWorks) spoke to over 1000 YOW! attendees across three sessions.
In their 40 minute talk, they shared what it was like to convert monoliths to microservices at one of the largest online Real Estate websites in Australia. Jon spoke to the business case for microservices, whilst Evan talked about the project as a whole and Beth focused on testing microservices using a tool called Pact.
View the slides to “The Odyssey From Monoliths to Microservices at realestate.com.au” talk here
Read more about Pact on GitHub
Find out more about Pact: Two-hour workshop
At DiUS, we are always looking for new ways to work and opportunities to share what we know. So to everyone who attended YOW! Conference, we are offering the opportunity to chat to us about putting together a workshop with Beth Skurrie to discuss pact and microservices.
In this two-hour session, DiUS’s Beth Skurrie will visit your workplace and chat about her real world experiences building and testing microservices at realestate.com.au. In addition to question and answer time, your team will have the opportunity to workshop ways you can start using Pacts, a tool to transform your testing process.
Coffee + Survey = Prizes
While you were in line at our coffee cart, you took a survey on the role of microservices in your organisation. We put your name in the draw to win one of four Kindle Paperweights loaded with a book on Microservices by Sam Newman.
Thank you to everyone who entered our competition. All of the winners have been notified via email.
And the lucky winners are…
Michael from Suncorp [Melbourne]
Kalvant from Apparel21 [Melbourne]
Balamurali from CBA [Sydney]
Rob from CBA [Sydney]
Keep an eye out…
Don’t forget to keep an eye out for more on microservices by Beth Skurrie, including preliminary results and insights from the survey you took. We will keep you up-to-date by sending you Relay, our bi-monthly newsletter with the latest news from the industry, updates from the team and great stories from our blog.