Taking the leap into the private sector

It’s been a year since I left federal government and jumped into the depths of the private sector. Polar opposites to say the least, but the journey I have been on so far has been exciting, challenging and rewarding.

After spending over eight years working in tech, writing about tech and immersed in tech transformation, I came to DiUS thinking that I had it covered. What I didn’t consider was that I had been working in a political and process driven environment where it can be difficult and expensive to implement process and technology change. I found myself on the steep part of the learning curve; no longer was I documenting process, writing briefs and working in projects delivered based on the waterfall methodology, I was working in a true agile environment.

My first week at DiUS is one that I remember well, and one that perhaps reignited my passion for tech. Robots and machine learning, Internet of Things, virtual reality and one of my favourites, next-generation analytics (sports related of course)! I also discovered very early on that I was surrounded by a group of very talented and passionate people who love what they do, and most importantly, get a kick out of sharing what they know.

Agile wall

Here I am at our daily stand up

What’s an MVP I found myself asking? This was a whole new concept for me, and one I didn’t quite understand in the beginning. 12 months on and I am proud to say that with plenty of help from my colleagues, we launched two internal MVP’s and have since delivered multiple iterations. I also work alongside my fellow marketing colleague in a more agile way – daily stand-ups at our agile wall are a bit of a highlight for me – treating our work as a project has made us more fluid and responsive in supporting the company’s objectives and priorities.

Rails Girls

Ricky, Dom, myself and JC at Rails Girls

I have also been given many opportunities for professional and personal development. Six months ago I tried my hand at coding. After attempting to learn how to code Ruby on Rails, I think it’s safe to say I will never be a developer. However, being given the opportunity to learn and gain insight into what my colleagues do on a daily basis has only made me appreciate their craft even more.

Looking back over the last year, I can honestly say that joining DiUS was the right decision. I have learnt so much, meet many amazing people and I continue to get excited about what’s next and what the next big thing will be.

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Level 3, 31 Queen St Melbourne, Victoria, 3000

Phone: 03 9008 5400

The Commons

32 York St Sydney,

New South Wales, 2000

DiUS wishes to acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we work and gather at both our Melbourne and Sydney offices. We pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging and celebrate the diversity of Aboriginal peoples and their ongoing cultures and connections to the lands and waters of Australia.

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