Cloud Optimisation
It's never been more important to have your cloud infrastructure right. Well-architected solutions allow you to easily scale up, but also scale down as necessary.

DiUS can help you review your cloud architecture, and ways of working to make sure you’ve got these fundamentals nailed. Optimising your cloud practices will deliver essential cost savings now and boost your operational agility well into the future.
Align infrastructure to the demands of the business
DiUS’ rapid assessment of your current cloud infrastructure will help identify where inefficiencies exist, where performance can be improved and where costs can be reduced—striking the right balance between cloud performance and cost. Our team will:
Health Check
Rapid assessment will take 2-3 days, depending on each individual situation. Drive business efficiency and enhance productivity by reviewing your architecture, cloud infrastructure setup and delivery practices.
- Reduce complexity, streamline and automate your processes for continuous optimisation.
- Gain control of your current cloud accounts for future deployments.
- Understand what services you are using and how you are using them.