Resources to support company growth and innovation
The quickly evolving COVID-19 situation has impacted many industries, forcing companies to re-imagine the way they operate. For many, this has meant standing up a remote workforce in a hurry.
DiUS and SEEK on how they increased the digital native business’ agility by enabling continuous delivery to enable releases multiple times per day. And how they made continuous delivery work in heterogeneous environments including those from Redmond.
AI technologies are already showing real results for early adopters – but those that have progressed the farthest are organisations that have laid a solid cloud foundation. We’ll walk through the different ways to harness the ever-increasing number of AWS AI services and get insights from organisations that are taking a journey to a brainer cloud with DiUS, including nib.
GameDays bring together people from across an organisation to collaboratively break, observe and recover a system – with the impact on the holistic customer experience at front of mind.
Contract testing is an approach that captures the interactions between two services and saves them as a contract, which can then be used later to verify that both parties adhere to it.
DiUS and WEHI present at AWS Summit Sydney on how using large scale on-demand compute and the cloud is helping the institute accelerate the processing and analysis of microscopy data.
DiUS, Vix Technology and Melbourne Storm present at AWS Summit Sydney on re-imagining the stadium experience for Storm Fans. Real-time analytics are used to to drive personalised messaging and in-game incentives for members.
DiUS and Vodafone present at AWS Summit Sydney on how leveraging AWS has given the telco a powerful ability to be more responsive, to experiment, fail-fast and in turn, to deliver an improved customer experience across all digital touchpoints.
How DiUS’ data science implementation for a financial services organisation used parallel processing and cloud computing to massively speed up the time taken to crunch 600 billion calculations from 208 days to just 8.5 hours.
DiUS and Hooroo present at the AWS Customer Appreciation Day on how will cover how they delivered the highly successful web accommodation platform more quickly and enabled it to scale to meet peaks in demand using the AWS Cloud.